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Here, we strive to uphold our core visions of "Mobilizing Christian Growth and Maturity through Missions, Evangelism, Charity Services, and Fulfilling Professional Calling with God's Calling in Life." We believe that a strong foundation in faith and service can transform lives and impact the world around us. Through a diverse range of events, we aim to foster spiritual growth, encourage fellowship, and reach out to those in need, both within our community and beyond.

1. Mission Outreach Programs:
In line with our vision for missions, we regularly organize outreach programs to share the love and teachings of Christ with others. These events might include local and international mission trips, where we partner with organizations and ministries to serve communities in need. Whether it's providing medical assistance, supporting education, or simply sharing the message of hope, these missions aim to make a positive difference and spread the Gospel.

2. Evangelism Workshops and Training:
To equip our members with the tools to effectively share their faith, we conduct evangelism workshops and training sessions. These events focus on teaching practical ways to communicate the Gospel with clarity, love, and understanding. By enhancing our evangelism skills, we aim to reach out to those who are seeking spiritual answers and bring them closer to God.

3. Discipleship and Bible Study Gatherings:
Central to our vision for Christian growth and maturity is the importance of discipleship and biblical understanding. Therefore, we hold regular Bible study gatherings to delve into God's Word together, seeking wisdom and guidance for our lives. These sessions also serve as opportunities to strengthen the bonds of fellowship within our community as we learn and grow together in faith.

4. Charity and Community Service Events:
Our commitment to charity services is at the heart of our Christian community. We organize various events to give back to the less fortunate, such as food drives, clothing donations, free healthcare outreach, and volunteer initiatives with local organizations. By serving others in need, we believe that we are fulfilling Christ's command to love our neighbors as ourselves.

5. Integration of Faith and Profession:
As Christians, we understand the significance of fulfilling our professional callings while aligning them with God's calling in our lives. To foster this integration, we conduct events like seminars and discussions that explore how we can honor God through our work and professions. Whether in business, education, healthcare, or any other field, we seek to bring God's light into every aspect of our lives.

6. Retreats and Spiritual Renewal Getaways:
Taking time for spiritual renewal is crucial for our individual growth as Christians. Therefore, we plan retreats and getaways where we can step away from the busyness of daily life and focus on deepening our relationship with God. These events provide a sacred space for reflection, prayer, and worship, enabling us to return to our daily routines with renewed vigor and passion for our faith.

7. Special Worship Celebrations:
Throughout the year, we organize special worship celebrations, such as Easter, Christmas, and other significant religious observances. These gatherings allow us to come together as a community to rejoice in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and to reflect on the foundational teachings of our faith.

As a Christian community committed to growth, service, and fulfilling God's calling in our lives, we invite you to join us in these transformative events. Together, we can make a positive impact on our lives, our community, and the world around us, bringing glory to God through our actions and devotion to His teachings. Let's grow and mature in Christ as we embark on this journey of faith and service together! We love you.

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Dr Alfred Egedovo  and  Degree Presentation at James Cook University  , AUSTRALLIA  by  Ch
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We are excited to inform you about GHC Hospitals Community Outreach Program which starts today, the 28th of April, 2023 and it's going to last till the 1st of May, 2023. The time is 9 am-4 pm daily.

Come and get yourself and your family medically tested and get the chance to consult with our physicians.

This is an outreach for all.


Medical Outreach Activities

We are excited to inform you about GHC Hospitals had a Medical Outreach  Activity dated 20th September 2023.

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Our Weekly Activities

10am Morning Tea10-1pm

Sunday School

5.50pm Fellowship



6pm Night School – Elders



Listen to our Pastor as

he records his weekly

radio session



Senior Citizen lunch – Volunteers welcome to help with meal

Church fundraiser – June 17th

Help ensure we can continue to be a strong part of the community.

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Blue light disco (12-17yrs)

A safe fun environment for kids under 17 from around Little Rock.

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