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First Holy Communion

The Ministries of Christianity Centre International! At the heart of our mission lies a deep commitment to mobilizing Christian growth and maturity, helping individuals flourish spiritually and embrace their calling in life according to God's purpose. We firmly believe that by engaging in various aspects of our ministry, we can build a strong, vibrant, and compassionate community that reflects the teachings and love of Jesus Christ.

1.  Spreading the Light of the Gospel

Our ministry places a significant emphasis on missions, recognizing the importance of reaching out to communities both near and far with the message of hope and salvation. Through strategic partnerships and dedicated mission trips, we aim to bring the transformative power of the Gospel to those who have not yet experienced the love of Christ. By sharing the Good News, we believe in opening doors for individuals to encounter God, leading them toward a life-changing relationship with Him.

2.  Proclaiming God's Love with Boldness

Evangelism is the lifeblood of CCI, as we wholeheartedly believe in the Great Commission given by Jesus to go and make disciples of all nations. Our team of passionate evangelists is committed to sharing the love of Christ with clarity, compassion, and boldness. We strive to create opportunities for people to explore and understand the Christian faith, fostering an environment where questions are welcomed and genuine connections are made.

3.  Extending Christ's Compassion to the Needy

As followers of Christ, we are called to love our neighbours as ourselves. Therefore, charity services play a central role in our ministry. By engaging in acts of kindness, social outreach, and humanitarian aid, we aim to meet the practical needs of those less fortunate, demonstrating the selfless love of Christ to all. Through our charity initiatives, we hope to not only provide temporary relief but also inspire lasting transformation and empowerment in the lives of the beneficiaries.

4. Fulfilling Professional Calling with God's Purpose

At CCI, we firmly believe that every individual has a unique and significant calling in life. We encourage our members to see their professional careers as opportunities to serve God and impact the world positively. By offering guidance and support, we help individuals align their professional aspirations with God's purpose, fostering a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction in their work, knowing they are making a meaningful difference.

Christianity Centre International, we are dedicated to mobilizing Christian growth and maturity through missions, evangelism, and charity services, and encouraging individuals to fulfil their professional calling in alignment with God's purpose. Together, we strive to create a community that not only experiences personal spiritual growth but also actively engages in transforming lives and making a difference in the world. As we journey together on this path of faith, we invite you to join us and become part of a movement that seeks to bring light, hope, and love to all corners of the world.

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